Dear Bear Outline & Environment Design – 20181125

Dear Bear Outline by Mike Quinn

Bearistan used to be a peaceful place. Every bear kept to their own territory
and food was plentiful. There was no need for conflict.

Then, the beavers decided to expand Riverton and the bear’s environment
became smaller and smaller. The beavers are in direct competition with the
Dare Bears for resources; water, food, shelter etc. There are more beavers
than bears. The beavers block up the river, cut down trees and dig canal
networks to help expand their living area. Both beavers and bears find their territories becoming smaller and smaller. Our heroes; Silo, Recky, Panzer, Kobi and Jennifer decide to take the battle to the beavers, increasingly upping the stakes in the conflict. Both the bears and beavers are becoming increasingly squeezed into a smaller space. Watchtowers go up, fences are built, trees and burnt down and rivers are drained. There is evidence of mechanised destruction but no sign of who is responsible for this, but we do occasionally see dark figures in the distance. There are frequent skirmishes between beavers and bears. They finally realise that the fight is not against each other and unite to defeat the common enemy; The Stoats.

Environment Design by Yanming (Yedda) Yang

Environment Design by Lam Lo

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